Women Empowerment Month – Meet the Nena Fullfillment Team!
For Women Empowerment Month we had to include all of the amazing women on our US team. For our first 'Nena Team' blog post we are excited to share with you a little about our fulfillment team!
Melanie MacFarlane - Administrative Assistant + Shipping Manager
1. Tell us a little bit about yourself?
I'm a wife and mom of 4 boys. We love to travel and spend time together. I also love to create! Sewing, decorating, designing, cooking, photography, etc.
2. What's been your biggest hurdle thus far?
My biggest hurdle was the loss of a baby boy who was stillborn 16 years ago.
3. How did you overcome it?
I don't think you ever really overcome something like that because it changes who you are. Instead of overcoming, you learn to live with it and figure out how to move forward despite the loss.
4. What advice do you have for other women?
My advice is to spend time and energy doing things that bring true happiness, and not waste time on the unimportant.
5. Share with us one of your favorite inspirational quotes.
"No matter our circumstances, no matter our challenges or trials, there is something in each day to embrace and cherish. There is something in each day that can bring gratitude and joy if we will only see and appreciate it." -Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Makala Russo - Office Assistant + Marketing Fulfillment
1. Tell us a little bit about yourself?
My name is Makala Russo. I’m 20 years old and I live in Murray UT with my husband John and our puppy Moze. I love to music, food, and to travel as many places I can. I work at Nena & Co. as an office assistant.
2. What’s your biggest hurdle thus far?
The biggest hurdle in my life has been realizing my self worth. It's so easy to compare yourself to others and to look at your own flaws and compare them to others strengths.
3. How did you overcome it?
The way that I overcome this hurdle is to take a minute when I'm feeling down or feeling less than and remember, at the end of the day, if I'm happy with the way that I am, that's what's important. If I see a trait in myself that I'm unhappy with, I work to resolve it. I love who I am. I’m sometimes awkward and make jokes with horrible timing and I quote the Office too much and the quotes are typically about 60% accurate. I compare myself to everyone and anyone, but I just have to remind myself that if I'm happy with the person I am or working to be, nothing else matters.
4. What advice do you have for other women?
Everyone struggles with insecurities. I think we all need to take the effort to make Self Love a top priority. Whether it's spending less time on your phone and more time appreciating moments with your loved ones or if it's doing a face mask and reading the Bachelor spoilers, take that time to do something for you. Instead of working so hard to change who we are, let's work on the skills and the strengths that we each have. Everyone is different, but isn't that what's so great? We are all different and we are all working on knowing who we are.
5. Share with us one of your favorite inspirational quotes.
One of my favorite quotes is "I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear." from Martin Luther King Jr. It's such a simple quote but I think we all need a little more love.
Jade Fisher - Order Fulfillment
1. Tell us a little bit about yourself?
My name is Jade Fisher! I am 22 years old and from Southern California. I am also a newlywed and my husband and I just moved here to Utah 6 months ago! And now actually both work at Nena together! Haha! Aside from working at Nena & Co., I am a part time model and love to read and write! Oh and eat pizza!
2. What’s been your biggest hurdle thus far?
A big hurdle of mine lately is trying to be kind to a world who can be unkind. The world we live in today has a lot of hate and not enough love. And I think we all experience it in our own lives in different ways.
3. How do you overcome it?
So how do you overcome it? Personally, I think the best thing you can do is to spread so much love and as much as you can . Be kind even when you may not be receiving it. Which is often a hard battle because we're human, but when you realize that your life and everything around you becomes more positive, more beauty will surround you. People regret mean things they did or said but you never regret being kind. Kindness goes a long way and not only do you feel peace in your heart, but others are constantly influenced. Whether or not it seems like it, they go home a little happier. I think that's the true beauty in being kind, because your positivity and having a graceful heart always leads to success.
4. What is your advice to other Women?
My advice to other woman is to realize being kind isn't weak, it's courage. Empower other woman, smile at them, when you see something beautiful in them, tell them. Be an example, and love unconditionally, that's how you can change the world, one act of kindness at a time.
5. Share with us one of your favorite inspirational quotes.
"Spread love as thick as you would peanut butter" ;)
Sydney Hawes - Order Fulfillment
1. Tell us a little bit about yourself?
I'm currently studying elementary education at Utah Valley University. I enjoy swimming, baking, and the Grand Canyon.
2. What's been your biggest hurdle thus far?
Staying motivated to work hard in school has been quite challenging.
3. How did you overcome it?
I like to set small achievable goals for myself and I make a TON of 'to do' lists.
4. What advice do you have for other women?
Work hard and don't let other people bother you.
5. Share with us one of your favorite inspirational quotes.
"There's nothing we can't do if we work hard, never sleep and shirk all other responsibilities in our lives." - Leslie Knope